12 December 2009


I've been wanting to keep a blog in order to keep my thoughts and inspirations organized and hopefully share them with others.

Ever since my dad showed me how to take pictures, develop the film and prints in a darkroom, I have been hooked on photography. With a somewhat recent purchase of a digital SLR-a Nikon D40 to be exact-my husband and I have been documenting our gardening progress as well as other scenic landscapes. You can see our photos on our Flickr page as well as purchase prints from my Etsy shop. I have other interesting items for sale there as well. This is a new endeavor for me, so it will be interesting to see how this works out.

I also love making things: jewelry, felted items, stationary etc. I will be posting inspirations and current projects here as well. I also make all of my own cleaning supplies and will share recipes here. I'm trying out making bath and body products too. I love Dr. Bronner's!

With Winter pretty much here, I hope to fill the next few non-gardening months with crafts, photography and even some gardening plans and seed starting projects.

So to start off I will list a few of my favorite things!

I identify with self-taught (outsider art, naive, folk art) which includes for me graffiti. Some may find it disrespectful. However, I like how it blurs the lines of art, property and self expression.
Street Art A.K.A: Graffiti

Mail Art a la Ray Johnson

Art Nouveau anything! Especially posters and jewelry and Tiffany:

I like trying to use reusable or biodegradable craft supplies whenever possible, including hemp, wool and wood.

As this is only and introduction, I shall stop here. My husband (the Izzy portion of IzzyLizzy) will be adding his own ideas and inspirations here as well.

More later!


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