April went by way to quickly, and we are trying to keep up with the garden. That is my excuse for not keeping current here! We are making progress but due to some family priorities and some long days at work, we don't have everything in the ground that needs to be there. It is raining today, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to catch up.
Large Raised bed about a month ago...
...and now!
It doesn't look like tooo much progress however, there are many flower seedlings about 2" tall sprouting in the middle areas. We moved some Peonies into the back right corner and lemongrass in the front right.
We have already harvested about a dozen "Cincinnati Market" Radishes. I made them into a yummy salad. On the far right are more radishes waiting for harvest, beets in the middle. In the second batch kale and mustard greens are bursting and waiting for picking. Various flowers coming up in small troughs in front.
Brussel Sprouts on the left, beets in the middle, and where the radishes were harvested, new seeds were planted and they are now sprouting.
Our first harvest of the season. Last year it was lettuce, but it isn't quite ready yet this year.
We also welcomed new family members. About two pounds of earthworms. They will live in the basement where we will feed them kitchen scraps (no dairy or meat!) on a weekly basis. In about 3 to 4 months, we will have worm castings for fertilizer in the garden. We went to a
vermicomposting class at
Glenwood Gardens and came home with worms in two tubs filled with leaves, newspaper and a cultivator. I will make sure to keep that process up to date.
The broccoli is getting bigger in the garden. The melons, beans and sunflowers have sprouted. Tomatoes and peppers are in the garden, raised beds and containers. We are moving along nicely but much more to do.
Current blooms:
Bachelor Buttons
Sweet Rocket
And kitties! Scarlett went out on a leash. I think she liked it. We live near a busy street and lots of dogs. I wanted to see if the kitties could enjoy the outdoors with us so we are trying the harness and leash. We'll see what happens.